Affiliate Disclaimer

 Affiliate Disclosure : 

I love that you're curious and checking out this page right now. You know me well, I love to research and learn something new ! . You'll see links through my website and blog posts that go to outside sources.  

These links are referred to as Affiliate Links which means if you end up purchasing a product by clicking on of the links I'll receive a small amount of commission ( at no cost to you ). If I'm sending you to an outside source know that I have tested it myself and believe in it.

The commission earned through my Affiliate Links is just another way for me to earn a little extra income which helps in continue doing what I love which is research, providing quality content and helping connecting people with the right resources. 

Locate Review is a participant in some of the Affiliate Programs such as Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Clickbank, Flipkart etc. which are design to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees.

If you got any questions related to this feel free to Contact Us

Thank You   :)